David Jones: the poet, painter, soldier, engraver
By Br Bede Mullens, O.P. | In the first episode of our new series on Dominicans and their peculiar pursuits, we speak with Fr Bob Ombres OP, canon lawyer and moral theologian, about his interest in the troubled genius David Jones.
Dominican life has always encouraged a healthy eclecticism and a zeal for the peculiar; a living out of St Paul’s maxim to “take every thought captive” for Christ. Not just Theologians is a new series in which we will explore some of these peculiar pursuits and passions of the friars, to see where a mind in pursuit of truth might be led.
In our first episode we speak with Fr Bob Ombres OP, a canon lawyer and moral theologian, who teaches at both Blackfriars, Oxford, and the Angelicum in Rome. Fr Bob shares with us his interest in the poet and artist David Jones, one that began from back when he was a novice.
A review of a recently published biography of David Jones (David Jones: Engraver, Soldier, Painter, Poet, by Thomas Dilworth) can be found here.
David Jones (1895 – 1974)