Two Professions and a Jubilee

Two Professions and a Jubilee

Over the last week the Province of England has had much to celebrate. On the 22nd of September, fr. Robert Verrill made solemn profession at Blackfriars, Oxford. In his homily the provincial, fresh from the General Chapter in Rome, reminded Robert and all present that making profession was an act of freedom, a response to the call of Christ, and a blossoming of our baptismal promises. It was a truly joyful day for the order and family and friends of fr. Robert.

On Saturday at Blackfriars, Cambridge, fr. Andrew Brookes made simple profession for three years.

On Monday 27th September fr. Richard Conrad, the Vice-Regent, celebrated his silver jubilee of ordination with Father Robert Letellier. The jubilee Mass allowed the community and the many friends of Frs. Richard and Robert to give thanks to God for their 25 years of service and to wish them many more fruitful years.

Mark Davoren