The Second Joyful Mystery – The Visitation

The Second Joyful Mystery – The Visitation

At the Visitation, Mary is called ‘Blessed’ by Elizabeth, because she placed her perfect trust in God. Perfect trust in God is not based on the Self, but upon the infinite perfections of God: the love and mercy of God endures for ever, and its infinite power will never wain.

Mary went to serve Elizabeth in her time of need, and in the same way, she reaches out with her Son, who answers all our needs in ways that surpass our understanding. And even when that need seems great, and even when it seems small, He will give to us more than we can even ask for.

The Psalmist cries ‘I was helpless so he saved me’ (ps 116), and no matter how far we fall, how intense our trouble seems, we are always upheld by His love. And as Mary went ‘with child’ to Elizabeth in her time of need, so the Lord comes to us each day, even when we don’t appreciate the true significance of His Eternal and True Presence.

When Jesus comes to visit us, he inspires our hearts to trust in Him; and if our hearts respond in true humility and sincerity, then He will live deeper within us. Then we will rejoice in His presence, as John the Baptist did even before he was born, and our hearts will be increasingly conformed to the saving love and justice that is the heart of the Godhead.

The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.