Simple Professions 2014

Simple Professions 2014

On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Sunday 14 September 2014, we rejoiced at the Simple Professions of two of our brothers at the Priory of St Michael in Cambridge. fr Joseph Bailham and fr. Christopher Pierce made their vows – a commitment for three years – in the hands of the Prior Provincial, fr John Farrell, for the Province of England. frs Joseph and Christopher have now arrived at the Priory of the Holy Spirit, Oxford, where they will begin their formal studies in the Order. We therefore welcome them to the Godzdogz team this year!

We are also delighted to report the Simple Profession of Dutch brother, fr Richard Steenvoorde, at the Dominicanenklooster, Zwolle, in the Netherlands, having completed his year-long novitiate in Cambridge. fr Richard has moved to Oxford for his studies and will join the Godzdogz team.

Please keep all the newly professed brothers in your prayers.

Also in Cambridge, two new novices have been clothed in the habit of our holy father Dominic, one for the Province of England and one for the Province of the Netherlands. Please keep them, including the formation communities of Cambridge and Oxford, in your prayers.

Deo gratias!

The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.