Provincial Assembly 2011
On the 14th-16th December Blackfriars, Oxford, hosted the Provincial Assembly of the English Dominican friars. This gathering is an opportunity for as many friars as possible from all round the Province to get together and discuss the Province’s life and mission, and happens every four years in preparation for the Provincial Chapter, the meeting of superiors and elected delegates of the brethren which makes decisions about such things, and which will happen in April next year.
It is also an opportunity for brothers to share their experience, telling each other about approaches, events, or resources which they might have found particularly useful or effective in their ministry.
The work of the New Evangelization being promoted by the Holy Father was one of the central topics of discussion, and our involvement in Internet projects such as Torch and, of course, Godzdogz itself, was recognised as important for that.
Besides the official business, the Assembly was also an occasion for brothers from different parts of the Province to pray together the Liturgy of the Hours, which lies at the centre of the religious life we share, as well as catching up with brothers from other houses over a cup of tea between sessions, or at recreation in the evenings.
Very useful discussions were had, which will feed into the work of the commissions of friars preparing reports on various subjects for the Chapter, and it was also a good opportunity to prepare for Christmas together in a spirit of fraternal charity.