Quodlibet – [don’t] ask us a question!
The following post was first published on 30th January 2007. Between then and 21st March 2009 we published fifteen ‘quodlibets’. Then we had the year of St Paul, the year of the priest, and other things came along to fill the pages of Godzdogz. In the meantime a lot of questions came in and we want to turn now to answering those. Over the next few months we hope to publish a couple of quodlibets each week. Please don’t send us any more questions for the moment – it may be that your question has already been tabled by someone else – we will let you know when we have cleared the backlog.
We would like to add a new feature to the ‘study’ section of Godzdogz: a virtual quodlibet. The quodlibet, roughly meaning whatever it pleases, was a form of teaching employed in the medieval university at which questions on any topic which pleased the audience were put to a teacher. These questions and answers were sometimes written up and published, most famously in the Quaestiones de quodlibet of Thomas Aquinas.
We hope that this will be a valuable, interactive element to add to our blog. We invite you therefore to propose questions which you feel we might be able to answer – whatever it pleases you to ask. From time to time we will research answers to your questions and post them here.