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By Br Thomas Thérèse, O.P. | Br. Thomas Thérèse remembers Gareth Moore's commitment to the Truth and opines we have much to learn from

First Sunday of Advent (A)  |  Fr Nicholas Crowe calls us to have hope in the victory of God's grace

By Br John Bernard Church, O.P. | Br John Bernard considers Fr Vincent McNabb's understanding of prayer, and what might

Fr Matthew Jarvis OP, based in Holy Cross, Leicester, is one of a team of translators who serve the General

On the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary this year, the Master of the Order appointed our brother, Lawrence

Br Albert Robertson OP writes about the collaboration between the Washington DC-based 'Thomistic Institute' and the brothers in Blackfriars and

Fr Dermot Morrin OP writes a weekly meditation on sacred art for the newsletter of St Albert's in Edinburgh where

Fr Leon Pereira OP serves in Medjugorje, where thousands of Catholics flock each year. As a Dominican he works alongside

Brs John Bernard Church and Daniel Benedict Rowlands completed their noviciate year and made their simple profession on 21 September,

Fr Leo Edgar OP, based in St Dominic's Priory in London, has the distinction of being both a father in

Fr Toby Lees OP, who was ordained this summer and is completing his Licence in Sacred Theology in Rome, reviews

By Br Albert Elias Robertson, O.P. | Br Albert reflects on the Solemnity of Christ the King. Anyone with even a

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