Uncompromisingly free
Jesus' words in today's Gospel make a dramatic and urgent appeal. Reading: Mark 9:41-50 The following homily was preached to the student
Living His Way
Eighth Sunday of the Year. Br John Bernard Church offers an authentically Christian view of authenticity. Over the past few Sundays
Who do you say that I am?
What sort of image do we paint of Christ in our hearts? Do we paint the true Christ, or a
Compassionate Love
Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Martin Ganeri preaches on the command to be compassionate as God is compassionate. ‘Be compassionate
Light of the Nations
Br Reginald reflects on Jesus' encounter with the Syro-Phoenecian woman and the conversion of all nations through the faithfulness God
The Great Reversal
Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bede Mullens shows how the life of the beatitudes is a lot more than
Thinking Again
Imagine for a moment: two strange men arrive on your doorstep, dressed very simply, having no food or money
The Net of Love
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the call of St Peter. This is one of the most