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Br Augustine was born and raised in Kuching, Malaysian Borneo. He came to England to study Law at the University of Oxford, where he was acquainted with and attracted to the Dominican way of life. A desire to proclaim the Gospel and to acquire a wider experience of religious life led him to work with the Salesians among young people in Glasgow before entering the Order. He finds nourishment in the works of St Augustine and the poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, and is seeking a deeper familiarity with Eastern Christian spirituality and the Metaphysical poets. Among his favourite books are St Augustine's Confessions and Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory. He has an interest in the visual arts, and likes drawing and painting.

Br Augustine questions whether the Second Coming is all that different to the First.   Readings: Apocalypse 18:1 - 19:9; Luke 21:20-28 The

‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Br Augustine wonders how we might begin to answer Jesus’ question. Readings:

Thursday after Ash Wednesday. Br Augustine thinks Lent, like Christmas, is a season of giving. How do they differ and

Today is the feast-day of a building. It is also, in a special way, our feast-day. How?   Readings: Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1

As we celebrate the beginning of the Apostolic Age, Br Augustine ponders the Pentecostal resonance of the Church’s Sacraments. At the

As we approach the end of Eastertide, Br Augustine uses the imagery of this year’s Paschal candle to ponder the

Presence and absence. Communion and separation. Hollowness and hope. What does the Ascension say about these? Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23 The following homily

The Presentation narrative points us backwards and forwards in Scripture. Might this help us ponder its paradoxes?   Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 The following

How must a Christian brag? St Edmund Campion gives his witness. Reading: Luke 9:23-26 The following homily was preached to the student