Bruno Clifton
fr Bruno is Vice-Regent of Blackfriars Hall and Studium, Oxford, where he teaches Biblical Studies.
The Value of a Life
Third Sunday of Lent. Fr Bruno Clifton warns us against presuming to judge the worth of any human person. Among the
In the Land of the Gentiles
Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul. Fr Bruno Clifton reminds us that we do not begin the Christian journey as
Go and Do Likewise
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bruno Clifton preaches on love of neighbour. ‘You must not molest the stranger or oppress
Prepare for the Day
Ash Wednesday. Fr Bruno Clifton suggests that we make this Lent a time of preparation for celebration and for justice. A
Diversity in Unity
Pentecost. Fr Bruno Clifton offers a fresh understanding of the link between today's Solemnity and the story of Babel. In many
More than Worth the Cost
Twenty-ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bruno Clifton considers the prophecy of the suffering servant. For generations the liturgy has presented
Crossing the Boundary
Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bruno Clifton finds profound meaning in leprosy. As you all know from your close reading
Sixth Sunday of Easter (A) | Fr Bruno Clifton speaks of our need for friendship and points to the One
Harsh Words
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) | Fr Bruno Clifton reflects on the difficult teachings of Christ that challenge us
He Lies ‘Mid the Beasts of the Stall
Christmas Dawn Mass | Fr Bruno Clifton expounds on the significance of the ox and the ass in our Nativity
The Hour of the Son of Man
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion | Fr Bruno Clifton gives a Scripturally-rich entrée into the Great Week of our
The Broken Heart
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | Fr Bruno Clifton meditates on the broken-heartedness of Jesus which heals the