Columba Ryan
fr. Columba Ryan died on 4th August 2009. May he rest in peace.
The Sudden Appearance of God in our World
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Columba Ryan invites us to be unsettled once again by the revelation of Christ's identity. Today
A Place for Tin-pot Musicians
Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the miracle at Cana. The last time I did this Torch
Only Jesus
Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the transfiguration of Christ. In Mark's Gospel we reach a turning point
Hope in the Encircling Gloom
Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year. As the Church looks towards the Day of Judgement, when history comes to an end,
The Passion according to Luke
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the special emphases of Luke's account of
Lent, the discovery of love
First Sunday of Lent. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the commitment signified by the season of Lent. With the arrival of
A House of Prayer for All Nations
Twentieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the impartiality of God. One of the threats that our opening
The Beauty of the Glory of the One God
Trinity Sunday. Fr Columba Ryan preaches on the unity of three divine persons. A distinguished Catholic theologian once remarked, 'Christians are