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fr David Edward Rocks OP live at the Priory of the Holy Spirit, Oxford, and is Chaplain to the Oratory School.

Fourth Sunday of Advent. Fr David Rocks invites us to wait with joyful hope. Where are you coming from? I can feel

Easter Sunday. Fr David Rocks responds to the desire of those who seek to see Jesus. Just over forty days ago

Fiftheenth Sunday of the Year. Fr David Rocks preaches on the importance of words and of the Word. To St Francis

The Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr David Rocks preaches on the turn of the year. In celebrating the Solemnity of

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr David Rocks preaches on the woman taken in adultery. ‘How low can you stoop?’ In a

The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Fr David Rocks finds encouragement in the varied apostolic characters of today's great

Thirty-second Sunday of the Year. Fr David Rocks considers the example of the wise virgins. The whole business of remembrance is

Presentation of the Lord  |  Fr David Rocks contemplates the virtues of Our Lady and the light of hope that

Solemnity of the Annunciation  |  Fr David Rocks urges us to listen for the Angelus Bell that fittingly interrupts our

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) | Fr David Rocks exhorts us to patience and prayerful attention to Christ’s teaching

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception  |  Fr David Rocks reflects upon the immense relevance of today's feast. I had just finished

Second Sunday of Lent (A)  |  Fr David Rocks ponders the fleeting goodness of the world and the enduring goodness

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