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fr. David Sanders died in March 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. May he rest in peace.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)  |  Fr David Sanders tells us to be sure to take time to listen

Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)  |  Fr David Sanders says that Jesus unites in love whatever we human beings

Second Sunday of Lent (B)  |  Fr David Sanders reflects on the darkness of suffering and the hopeful light of

Sixth Sunday of Easter (A)  |  Fr David Sanders comments on the 'Benedict Option' and calls us to go beyond

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year. fr David Sanders reflects on the joys of sharing.   Our possessions are in a way

First Sunday of Advent. fr David Sanders reflects on our belief in the second coming Jesus Christ, the King of

Sixth Sunday of the Year. fr David ask us to reflect on how we can brings Christ's healing presence to

Good Friday. Fr David Sanders shows us how the cross transforms this world. Throughout Lent we hear these words as we

Fourteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr David Sanders shows us how Jesus Christ's mission is one of universal peace. In the

Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr David Sanders helps us to discern what lies at the heart of true religion. Why

Thirty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr David Sanders warns today's Church, and today's Christians, against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. In

Feast of the Holy Family. Fr David Sanders preaches on the Feast of the Holy Family. Today's readings remind us just

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