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fr Duncan Campbell is a member of St Albert's Priory, Edinburgh, and is currently resident at St Mary's home, Stone.

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)  |  Fr Duncan Campbell muses on the practical advice given in today's Gospel about

Third Sunday of Advent (A)  |  Fr Duncan Campbell ponders how we in our time could be considered greater than

Second Sunday of Lent. fr Duncan Campbell helps us to understand the transfiguration as an expereince of prayer. Why did Jesus

Fourth Sunday of Easter. Fr Duncan Campbell helps us to see how Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, communicates the presence

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Duncan Campbell explains how we have to come to hear the truth proclaimed by

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Duncan Campbell challenges us each to reflect on how we can help those who

Feast of the Holy Family. Fr Duncan Campbell helps us to see how differences between generations can only be overcome

Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). Fr Duncan Campbell reminds us why we have crucifixes. In this Gospel we have Jesus

Third Sunday of Easter. Fr Duncan Campbell invites us to imagine ourselves as the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Gospels

Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Duncan Campbell suggests that the healing power of Christ's love is needed to overcome

Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul. Fr Duncan Campbell preaches on the failure and success of two great Apostles. From the

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Duncan Campbell returns to his childhood to rediscover virtue. The days are darkening. The gospels

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