Michael Demkovich
fr. Michael Demkovich is the former Director of the Dominican Ecclesial Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, and author of A Soul-Centered Life. He has periodically taught Spirituality at Blackfriars, Oxford.
This Day Rings Out
Christmas. Fr Michael Demkovich preaches on the readings of Midnight Mass - but with a nod to other Christmas readings, too. It was
In Your Hearing
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Michael Demkovich invites us to open our ears to Christ's call. In an age of empty
Trusted with a Mission
Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Michael Demkovich calls us to respond to the trust God has placed in us. In
Listen for your call
Fourth Sunday of Easter. Fr Michael Demkovich preaches on the Good Shepherd, an image that gave such hope to the early
When did you last have a vision?
Seventh Sunday of Easter. Fr Michael Demkovich preaches on the unity of Christ and all who believe. When was the last time