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fr Richard Finn OP is Director of the Las Casas Insitute of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford.

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn places Christ's teaching on marriage within its biblical context. Where can we find

Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn finds great contemporary relevance in the way Christ's ministry begins. What a start!

Trinity Sunday. Fr Richard Finn explains why belief in the Trinity is necessary for salvatiion. Can we be saved by what

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn notes that the scriptures acknowledge the depth of human suffering before offering

Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn preaches on the response of faith to God's call. It’s unfashionable to say

Seventh Sunday of Easter. Fr Richard Finn preaches on the true courage required in living the truth. For the last time

Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn shows how the example of Christ enables us to overcome destructive envy. Most

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord  |  Fr Richard Finn asks: How, amidst so much personal and societal darkness

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)  |  Fr Richard Finn ponders the rejection that every preacher of the Gospel must

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)  |  Fr Richard Finn contemplates the Cross of Christ which is what love of

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)  |  Fr Richard Finn asks who are the "poor in spirit" and what is

Easter Sunday. fr Richard Finn explains how the spreading of the light from the Easter candle during the Easter Vigil

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