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fr. Bob Eccles is a member of the Priory of St Michael the Archangel, our Noviciate house in Cambridge

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (A)  |  Fr Robert Eccles teases out the meaning of the Sermon on the Mount,

Fourth Sunday of Easter (C)  |  Fr Robert Eccles ponders Jesus's example of authority and leadership in today's readings.  A moment’s

Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)  |  Fr Robert Eccles considers the shocking language and imagery of the Eucharist, and

Third Sunday of Advent  |  Fr Robert Eccles ponders on the grace of preaching and the power of words. I will

The Road to Emmaus: Luke 24:13–35  |  Fr Robert Eccles preaches on the Friar Preacher's friendship with one another and

Sixth Sunday of Easter. Fr Robert Eccles preaches on the meaning of home, controversy and household of faith. Father Vincent McNabb

Third Sunday of Easter. Fr Robert Eccles preaches on the joy of the resurrection and the wounds of the risen

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Robert Eccles preaches without neglecting the sounds of violence and war. As I sit at

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Robert Eccles preaches on the third Sunday of Advent in the chapel of