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Fr Toby Lees is assistant priest at Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic's, London, and Priest Director of Radio Maria England.

Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr Toby Lees preaches on the freedom to be found in accepting Christ as our

Palm Sunday. Fr Toby Lees preaches on the importance of playing. When someone completes a task with real ease, you might

The Feast of the Transfiguration. Fr Toby Lees preaches on the importance of bodies. August is a month of holy days

First Sunday of Advent. Fr Toby Lees encourages us to make Advent the time when we finally emerge into the

The Solemnity of the Annunciation. Fr Toby Lees notices something about Our Lady's name. After not enough sleep, we awoke to

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Toby Lees wonders why Christ is concerned that the Apostles should rest. With some Gospel

Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr Toby Lees faces the challenges of ‘lockdown Christianity’. One of the better slogans I’ve seen

Ash Wednesday  |  Fr Toby Lees ponders death, our mortality, and the present time for conversion. It wasn’t until I joined

Sixth Sunday of Easter (C)  |  Deacon Toby Lees explains the two natures of Christ, and says that through the

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)  |  Rev. Br Toby Lees ponders the divisions manifest in the world today, and

Christmas: The Nativity of our Lord  |  Deacon Toby Lees contemplates the two natures of Christ and the effect of

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)  |  Br Toby Lees OP,  just ordained as deacon today (30 July 2017), gives

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