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fr. Vivian Boland is a son of the Province of Ireland, is former Master of Students of the English Dominicans, and more recently served on the General Council of the Order in Rome.

Solemnity of All Saints. Fr Vivian Boland encourages us to long for the vision of God. A few days before he

The following review, by Fr Vivian Boland OP, was published in Faith magazine in January 2011:  Stratford Caldecott, Beauty for Truth’s

Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr Vivian Boland contemplates the new kind of kingdom opened up for us by Christ

Fourth Sunday of Advent. Fr Vivian Boland preaches about the bodiliness of our salvation. Catholicism is a physical at least as

Religion is not a theological virtue. This is the first and perhaps the most important thing to be said about

Judgement, iudicium, is the virtue of judging in accordance with what is just. However, as is well known, Jesus tells

Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland preaches on the saving scandal of Christianity. On the ceiling of the Sistine

Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Vivian Boland shows how, in Christ, we receive the answer to the pleas of Moses.  The

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland tells us that it is at the foot of the cross that

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland casts doubt on some popular wisdom. This Sunday's readings challenge two pieces of

Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland tells us that in Christ, God's covenant with Israel becomes Good News

Holy Thursday. Fr Vivian Boland preaches on the profound sign of a wonderful reality. Have you ever tried to get a

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