Wednesday – Third Week of Advent


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Readings: Isaiah 45:6-8, 18, 21-26; Psalm 84; Luke 7:19-23The public ministry of Jesus begins ‘from the baptism of John’ (Acts

The familiar figure of John the Baptist, embodying our Advent hope, greets us again in this Sunday’s gospel. However, we

The Irish Dominican students are running a very good series during Advent entitled Reason for the Season, explaining

Readings: Isaiah 48: 17-19 Psalm 1 Matthew 11: 11-16 One of the features of our post-enlightenment culture is a somewhat ambiguous

In his Advent message the Master of the Order asks us to keep oppressed Christian communities in mind, especially our

Readings: Isaiah 35: 1-10; Psalm 85; Luke 5: 17-26 It is very easy in our busy lives to put religion on

Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:4-9, Matthew 3:1-12 If we are asked to imagine John the Baptist, I imagine that most of

In today’s Gospel reading, Matthew 9:27-31, two blind men come to Jesus and, in faith and desperation, cry aloud to

Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118; Matthew 7:21. 24-27 When adverse weather hits closer to home, such as flooding in Cornwall, or severe

Readings: Is 2:1-5, Ps 121, Rm 13:11-14, Mt 24:37-44 Beginnings are an ideal time to think about ends. After all, if

During Advent the Godzdogz Podcast will be accompanying our advent reflections. You will be able to listen at

From the 14th century it was a custom in the Order to sing the Magnificat Antiphon for the Feast of

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