A-Z of the Mass: Eucharistic Prayer


Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

The Eucharistic Prayer forms the centre of the Mass, opening with the dialogue between priest and people in which we

Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours Almighty

In the Summa Theologiae, St Thomas reminds us that, since the Fall, mankind has had to rely upon receiving God’s

Knowledge of the Jewish prayer, the berakah, can help to shed a lot of light on our understanding of the

The altar is the most important furnishing in a church; it is its heart. This is because, as the Catechism

During the summer months we will be offering an A-Z of the Mass, a series of reflections on different aspects

The rain held off in Oxford, allowing the annual Corpus Christi procession to take place as planned on Sunday 6

This Christmas week the Dominican students of Blackfriars are preparing the way for Christmas with a series of reflections on

At the centre of the priest's life is the celebration of the Eucharist. It is fitting then that Godzdogz begins

This year's Oxford deanery Corpus Christi procession was held on 1 June, the Sunday after Corpus Christi. As usual, the

On this night Jesus enjoys a final meal with his disciples. But unlike any meal before this, Jesus does

Why is the institution of the Eucharist included as one the mysteries of light? St. Paul’s First Letter to the

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