Our Father: Musical Settings of the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father

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To round off our commentary on the Our Father, we come to the ways it has been set to music.

Doxology” comes from the Greek words “Doxa” and “Logos” which mean “Glory” and “Word”. Doxology is thus a word of

It almost comes as an afterthought during prayer. And yet it is not. "Forgiveness is the most underrated virtue", a

The eyes of all creatures look to you and you give them their food in due time (Ps. 145(144):15) This verse from the

                                   “Thy will be

In this part of the Our Father we echo that well known invocation Marana tha - Come, Lord Jesus.

A Dominican friend from Panama suggested to me that the English translation of the Our Father is the worst of

How close is Our Father to us? It is a common experience in prayer, and in the spiritual life generally,

It is an act of audacity to call God ‘Our Father’. Although God as creator is in a sense ‘Father’

It is not always easy to find the right words to pray. This was the problem facing Jesus's own disciples,