Aquinas Lecture, 2013: Matthew Levering – ‘Aquinas & the Gospel’


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On 30th January Blackfriars held its annual Aquinas Lecture. This year the speaker was Matthew Levering, Professor of Religious

Last week the Aquinas Institute at Blackfriars, supported by the Templeton Foundation, was privileged to host two open lectures by Dr

Our faith is based on love, and love is the foundation of our whole life. Of course we know what

St Thomas’ second argument in the Summa for God’s existence goes along the following lines: in the universe, everything we

Catherine of Siena (1347-80) was very practical and focused and on how to help people be saved and sanctified in

The much referenced 'science versus religion debate' has at its root a timeless question which we humans feel compelled to

Blessed John HenryNewman wrote his famous Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1848) against the backdrop of a multiplication

The following review, by Fr Vivian Boland OP, was published in Faith magazine in January 2011:  Stratford Caldecott, Beauty for Truth’s

The presence of clerics within the Catholic Church is, to many critics, inside and outside the Church, a problem and

We teach …  that the one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only begotten, is to be acknowledged in two

Study plays a central part in Dominican life, and informs all our writing and preaching, so that it could all

The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth century work by an anonymous English author. Over the years, there has been much

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