6th Anscombe Memorial Lecture – Joseph Boyle

Referring to the seminal work of Elizabeth Anscombe on intention, especially ‘War and Murder’ and the classic paper on ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’, Professor Boyle pointed out that we do take intentions into account when judging a person’s culpability in a wicked act. By holding onto the value of intentions, we avoid the dangerous inference that as long as we do not directly kill a person we may take any actions regardless of whether they lead to death. On the contrary, we need to talk about intended consequences, not just foreseen consequences. Hence, we need to start our moral judgments from the basis that some actions are absolutely prohibited, e.g. killing the innocent, rather than assuming an ‘open field’ of moral action until ‘all the facts are in’ (in any case, we may be waiting a long time for all the facts to come in).
Responding to the objection that as a society we allow limited legal violence (the police and the military), so why not also assisted suicide, the speaker argued that legal violence can be justified on grounds of the common good, whereas assisted suicide cannot clearly be justified for the common good, since the discretion given to doctors would be too hard to regulate. In short, assisted suicide leads to an ‘open-ended proposal’, where we cannot guarantee the outcome will be for the common good.
The lecture was followed by a short Q&A session and a reception at Blackfriars. A recording of the lecture will appear on the Anscombe Bioethics Centre website in due course. You may be interested in the Centre’s resources on the topic of assisted suicide:
A Guide to the Evidence
Eight Reasons Not to Legalise Physician Assisted Suicide