A new prayer for Dominican vocations
A new prayer card for Dominican vocations has been created at Blackfriars, Oxford and is right now being distributed to our communities around the country.
The front image shows the statue of St Dominic, by Eric Gill, located in our priory church. It reflects the fact that St Dominic is called the ‘Light of the Church’ (Lumen Ecclesiae), though of course he points to and proclaims Christ who is the Light of the World (Jn 8:12, 9:5) and its saving truth.
The new prayer was composed to express some key features of the Dominican charism and calling, and to be appropriate for all the different types of vocation found within the Dominican family.
We invite you to join us in using the prayer, or to pray in other ways, to ask God to bless us with vocations, and deepen existing vocations, that the Order may in turn bless the Church and the world through our Dominican lives.
You are welcome to download and print copies of the prayer and the image of St Dominic.
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A Website Visitor
Where can I obtain about a dozen of these prayer cards for Dominican vocations to distribute to my Lay Dominican chapter so we can include this prayer at our meetings? Mrs Sandy Neff, OP Moderator Grand Rapids Rosary Chapter