Advent Sunday 2 – The crooked straight

This is no easy task. So often the paths of our lives are anything but straight. As we know, life can take many twists and turns, and we can feel pulled and drawn in so many different directions. Indeed, life today can seem so hectic and fast moving that even finding the time to reflect can seem like a tall order, never mind finding the energy to make big changes. When faced with the challenging call of the Gospel it is tempting to retreat into our comfort zone and just say “leave me alone”. The challenge of Christ is to go beyond this comfort zone to find the deeper reality of who we are as children of God. Whatever crooked paths we have walked or are walking, there is always a new beginning with the Lord. We can always begin again.
As Christians we know that we do not do this alone. This is not some kind of self help course for success. We rely at each step on the boundless mercy and grace of God.