Blackfriars Got Talent!

On 24 January, Blackfriars Oxford played host to its first talent competition. Held as part of an on-going series of fund-raising events for the Priory Renewal Fund, the afternoon saw friars and members of our Mass congregations come together and showcase a range of talents. The event was good fun and generated much laughter and enjoyment for all involved, as well as funds for a good cause! Below are a few more photos from the event:

A father-daughter ballet duet!
A brave solo act by one of our many young talents from the Blackfriars 9.30 Mass congregation.
All abuzz about a fly…
fr David Rocks OP and fr Robert Gay OP perform ‘Vincent’ in a flute and guitar duet.
The panel of judges included fr Richard Ounsworth OP
The young winner of the talent competition who read out a poem he’d written himself. Congratulations, and many thanks to all who participated in and supported Blackfriars Got Talent.