Fr Robert Gay O.P. re-elected and installed as Prior
The Solemnly Professed brothers in the community at Blackfriars met last week to elect a Prior, and re-elected Fr Robert Gay, O.P for another three year term. Here are some photos of his installation as Prior.
Part of the tradition of the Order of Preachers is its communitarian form of government, where each of the brothers takes on responsibility for the organisation of and decisions about their daily life through Chapter meetings, as well as electing superiors from among their own brothers, who serve for a set term of office. Fr Robert’s term of office ended earlier in May, and the brothers met together on Friday to elect a prior, and chose Fr Robert to serve for a second term.
As subprior, Fr Dominic guided the community through the election. You can watch Fr Dominic’s homily at the Mass of the Holy Spirit before the election, which offers a reflection on the relationship between friars and priories.
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