Blogging Colloquium at Oxford Chaplaincy

Blogging Colloquium at Oxford Chaplaincy

Recognising the recent upsurge in blogs and blog readers in the world, a special Colloquium has been organised by the Oxford University Newman Society, which will be held at the Catholic Chaplaincy on Friday, February 15, 2008 from 6-8:30 pm on the theme, ‘Blogging and the Church

This event will be quite informal and interactive and will discuss the nature of blogs: —What effect have blogs had on the Church? Who writes blog, who reads them? Are blogs an efficient way to disseminate information? What are the responsibilities of bloggers? Are blogs social forces?

The speakers are:

Rev’d Fr John T Zuhlsdorf, author of ‘What does the Prayer Really Say?’

Rev’d Fr John Hunwicke, author of ‘Fr Hunwicke’s Liturgical Notes’

Br Lawrence Lew OP, ‘contributor on ‘Godzdogz’

Matthew Doyle, author of ‘Lacrimarum Valle’

Directions to the Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy can be found at:

For more information please contact, Yaqoob K Bangash, President, Oxford
University Newman Society:

Lawrence Lew OP

Fr Lawrence Lew is the Editor of the Province's magazine 'The Dominicans' and Co-ordinator of the Province's Internet Apostolate. He is also the Dominican Order's Promoter General for the Holy Rosary, and author of ‘Mysteries Made Visible’ (CTS 2021).