Christmas responsory
Above is a live recording from Second Vespers of Christmas celebrated in Blackfriars, Oxford. This is the responsory sung after the scripture reading.
Descendit de caelis Deus verus a Patre genitus: introivit in uterum Virginis, nobis ut appareret visibilis, indutus carne humana a proto parente edita, et exivit per clausam portam Deus et homo, Lux et Vita, Conditor mundi.
Tamquam sponsus Dominus procedens de thalamo suo.
Lux et Vita, Conditor mundi.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
Lux et Vita, Conditor mundi.
He came down from heaven: true God, begotten of the Father: he entered the Virgin’s womb, that he might be made clearly manifest to us, clothed in human flesh put forth by the Creator, he went out through the closed door, God and man, Light and Life, Author of the world.
Like a bridegroom, the Lord coming forth from his chamber.
Light and Life, Author of the world.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Light and Life, Author of the world.