Clothing of Novices and First Professions 2017

Clothing of Novices and First Professions 2017

News | On Saturday 23rd of September, the English Province celebrated the simple profession of Brothers Cuthbert Hartley, Isaac Maria Wharton, Thomas Thérèse Mannion and Vincent Antony Löning. Earlier on the same day, the community welcomed six new novices.

The day began with the clothing ceremony of four novices for the Province of England and two for the Province of the Netherlands.

During the clothing, the brothers intone the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus.

Fr Bruno Clifton, the Novice Master, helps the Prior Provincial to clothe one of the novices.

The clothing was followed by the Mass of Profession, to which brothers from several parts of the Province attended.

The newly clothed novices prepare to head the entrance procession.

The candidates prostrate themselves while the Dominican responsory O Spem Miram is sung.

Br Cuthbert makes simple profession.

Br Isaac makes simple profession.

Br Thomas makes simple profession.

Br Vincent makes simple profession.

Fr Martin, the Prior Provincial, preaches after the candidates have made vows.

The ceremony concludes with the blessing of the scapulars.

For more information and help with discerning a Dominican vocation, visit our vocations webpages.

The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.