Credo 10 – …the only Son of God…

If we look at the witness to Jesus Christ, if we look at the gospels, it is true that in this record such a title is always claimed for Jesus, by others: whether it be by the gospel narrators, as at the beginning of Mark (1.1) or at many points in John (cf. 3.16; 20.31); by the angel Gabriel to Mary (Lk. 1.35); by demoniacs whom Jesus goes on to heal (Mt. 8.29); or by the Pharisees who seek to charge him with blasphemy (Jn. 10.33-39). Even the devil rebukes him with this title in his wilderness temptations (Mt. 4.1-6; Lk. 4.1-10).
The messianic title Jesus most often uses himself, referring to his ministry, is ‘Son of man’. We also hear the term ‘Son of David’. Jesus’s own words seem to circumvent the issue: not answering questions of his identity directly; speaking of himself in the third person. We feel like echoing the plea of the Jews in John’s gospel: ‘if you are the Christ, tell us plainly’ (Jn 10.24). Why is there this confusion?