Dominican Pilgrimage to Lourdes (Part 3)
A distinctive aspect of the Dominican Pilgrimage is the attention to study and preaching. Every morning, the pilgrims gathered after Lauds in the cinema to listen to a talk given by the Prior Provincial, fr John Farrell OP.
In addition to the homily preached each day at Mass by a different preacher, there were also daily talks on a range of topics given by Dominican friars.

This year, Lectio Divina was introduced to the daily schedule as well as Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each evening. Both of these took place in the hotel for those pilgrims who were unable to get down to the Lourdes Sanctuary with ease.
Below is a photo of Adoration in the underground basilica.
In our Dominican tradition, preaching and giving talks is a handing on of the fruits of our contemplation, of prayer and a contemplative study of the Scriptures. Lourdes offered time for this vital element of our spiritual lives.

“Holy Spirit, you are the Spirit of love and unity.
Here in Lourdes, through Bernadette, Mary asked
for a Chapel, and for people to come in procession.
Inspire the Church which Christ is building on Peter’s faith:
that it may be one.
Guide the pilgrimage of the Church:
that it may be faithful and daring!
Mary, you are filled with the Holy Spirit,
you are the spouse and the servant.
You are the model for Christians, and the maternal face of the Church.
We pray to you.
Hail Mary…”