Dominican Pilgrimage to Lourdes (Part 4)
A pilgrimage is a time for prayer, preaching and study, but it is also a time for recreation and building community. The Dominican Pilgrimage brings together Dominican friars, sisters and laity, parishioners of Dominican parishes throughout the country, as well as students and friends of the Order. The pilgrimage is an opportunity for us to become acquainted, to grow in friendship, to exchange ideas and to have fun.
On the penultimate night, a very enjoyable social evening with music and singing was organized by fr Dermot.
fr John Farrell also blessed an enormous votive candle which burns in Lourdes for the intentions of the entire Dominican Pilgrimage.
Finally, small tokens of thanks were given to our helpers who contribute so much to making the pilgrimage possible, and to those who help organize it, including nurse Bridget (below) with fr John Farrell OP:
As usual, the pilgrims gave a very warm thanks to the friars who took part in the pilgrimage:
“For the many graces received here,
for all the conversions,
all the forgiveness,
all the healings,
for the vocations and promises
which you have witnessed or engendered,
for the love of serving others, which you have let us experience,
Our Lady of Lourdes
we thank you!
With all our brothers and sisters of the human race,
with all people in need of peace and justice,
with young people in search of a way,
you who appeared so young to little Bernadette,
with all those who are in mourning, who are ill,
handicapped, or facing a setback,
with those who may have a reason for despair:
Our Lady of Lourdes
We pray to you!
Because you are the smile of God,
the reflection of the light of Christ,
the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit,
because you chose Bernadette in her misery,
because you are the star of the morning, the gate of Heaven,
and the first resurrected creature
we praise you,
we acclaim you
and with you we sing the wonders of God