Dominicans in Lambeth Palace

Dominicans in Lambeth Palace

On Tuesday 24 February, over twenty Dominican friars descended on Lambeth Palace, the London home of the Archbishop of Canterbury. As fr Timothy Radcliffe OP remarked, the last time so many of us were seen in the Palace was probably in the 1270s when fr Robert Kilwardby OP occupied the See of Canterbury!

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The occasion was a gathering of considerable ecumenical import: the official launch of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2009 Lent Book, which had been written by fr Timothy. Entitled Why Go to Church? the book’s first print-run of 15,000 was sold out by the time of the launch, but we were assured that thousands more were being printed and should be available in the shops. The book is an excellent meditation on the Eucharistic Liturgy as a drama of faith, hope and love. It is very accessible and a fitting gift for friends and family.

Book launch in Lambeth Palace

During the reception in the Great Hall, speeches were made by Robin Baird-Smith of Continuum (the publishers), Dr Rowan Williams, and fr Timothy. Robin Baird-Smith re-iterated what he had said previously in The Times:

“The one religious order in Britain which is really flourishing today is the Dominican Order, with lots of young people signing up. That is because they have got it right. They are open to God and open to the world. And their motto is one word: Truth. I think we need a blast of Dominican fresh air.”

In a similar vein, Rowan Williams praised the freshness of fr Timothy’s writing, joking that just as the Vatican Palace had a Dominican theologian, so Lambeth Palace had a Dominican as its favourite theologian.

Inside Lambeth Palace chapel

Dominican friars in Lambeth Palace

After the reception, the invited guests filled the 13th-century chapel of Lambeth Palace, and it resounded to Dominican chant and the Salve Regina as the friars closed the night with the tranquil Office of Compline. It was a gracious end to a convivial evening, and a good start to the Lenten season of reconciliation.

Lawrence Lew OP

Fr Lawrence Lew is the Editor of the Province's magazine 'The Dominicans' and Co-ordinator of the Province's Internet Apostolate. He is also the Dominican Order's Promoter General for the Holy Rosary, and author of ‘Mysteries Made Visible’ (CTS 2021).