Finger of God

Finger of God

Thursday 3 of Lent

Readings: Jeremiah 7:23-28; Psalm 94; Luke 11:14-23

If you have watched the film ‘Into Great Silence’ as some members of our community did recently, you were probably struck by the fact that in the whole film lasting for nearly three hours, there was only one person who actually spoke. The film featured the life of the Grand Chartreuse, a monastery of the Carthusian Order in France. The Grand Chartreuse is considered as one of the strictest monasteries in Christendom. After two hours of impressive pictures about the silent life of the monks and the wonderful landscape of the French Alps, one old and blind monk speaks about his life and about God. The statement lasts only a few minutes. Its outline is: ‘There is a God. He is infinitely good. He helps you. Therefore be happy.’

The film is the extraordinary report of a life radically dedicated to the exploration of God’s presence by prayer, work and silence. In today’s Gospel, Jesus demonstrates once more this powerful and loving presence of God on this earth. In casting out demons he makes clear that there is no place for evil and Satan in this world: ‘If it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you’ (Luke 11, 20-21). Lent is the time of exploring this kingdom in our life. So, let us pray that He may touch us too so that we feel His helping presence. Even though we may life not in a remote monastery in the French alps but in busy Britain …

A godzdogz review of the film ‘Into Great Silence’, first posted in January, is re-posted below.

The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.

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