French Studentate visits Oxford
Last month, the student brothers of the Province of France came over from Lille to visit Oxford. This was the third exchange with the French brothers in recent years, after their Oxford visit in 2012 and our trip to Lille in 2013.
These exchanges are always a good opportunity to meet new brothers and share ideas. We learn how much we have in common, as sons of St Dominic, as Catholics, and in many other ways, notwithstanding cultural and linguistic differences. In any case, even our differences are a source of interest and good humour! And, of course, regular readers will know that one French brother, fr. Jean-Baptiste, is presently studying with us in Oxford and is a member of the Godzdogz team.
The programme for the weekend was varied. fr. Bob Ombres gave us a talk on Dominican study and how we can draw on the help of cultures other than our own. We walked along the Isis (Thames) to the picturesque village of Iffley, which boasts a beautiful Norman church, and also visited ‘The College’ in Littlemore, where Bl. John Henry Newman was received into the Catholic Church in 1845. On the Sunday morning we had a tour of central Oxford. After the conventual liturgies and community dinner on Sunday evening, an early start on Monday to catch the ferry back meant it was Au Revoir! until next year, perhaps…
On the bridge by Iffley Lock
We shared experiences and ideas from last year’s summer apostolates, including pilgrimages and hospital work
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A Website Visitor
I do like the way you Dominican seminarians visit your brothers in other countries, to share community, ideas and your enthusiasm. I have a Dominican seminarian friend in Dublin, one of our former Norwich City players, Br Philip Mulryne, who met up with me recently on returning from France. He is in his final year in theology, and loving Thomas Aquinas! I feel privileged to know him and to correspond with him occasionally to share our prayer our love of Christ.