God Matters?
Readers in striking distance of Oxford are warmly invited to join us for a series of talks exploring some of the challenging questions that non-believers sometimes put to people of faith. The talks – which will be given by a number of Dominicans, including Godzdogz’s own Br Andrew Brookes – are free, and will take place on six consecutive Tuesdays at 8pm, starting on February 5th. The evenings will include an opportunity for open discussion and questions (as well as some refreshments: Dominicans believe in feeding mind and body!).
All are welcome: you need not be a Catholic, nor even a theist: we hope that this will be an opportunity for all of us to reflect critically on our faith and to grapple with some difficult issues. Of course, those who don’t necessarily have any burning questions are welcome to come along and listen (we won’t press-gang anyone into sharing their opinions or views). We look forward to seeing you!