Lent Week 2 Saturday – The Prodigal Son
Today’s gospel, the Prodigal Son, must surely be one of the best known and best loved stories in the whole Bible. It is a story that seems to strike a chord with everyone, whether they read, hear or see the story portrayed in one of the many famous depictions of it. This story resonates with so many people because the subject is something with which we are all familiar. We all have had a time when we have acted like the prodigal son, not necessarily in such a dramatic fashion, but we have all known times when we have been in need of the forgiveness of another, have been subject to their mercy, so to speak. Those of us who have experienced another’s refusal to forgive us know how painful this can be. What a comfort it is to hear that our loving Father in heaven will never treat us according to our faults, but instead will come towards us with arms open, longing to welcome us back into his embrace. This parable reminds us not only of our need to confess our sins to our heavenly Father, especially in this time of spiritual renewal, but also that we are called to be merciful to others, as our Father has been merciful to us. The other son, who resents the unconditional love shown to his brother by the father, reminds us of the importance of being generous and tender hearted to those who have gone astray. Let us pray that this Lent we will undergo a purification of heart, so that we more effectively embody the unconditional love and mercy of the Father for our world.