Lent Week 5 Thursday – Eternal Life with God

Lent Week 5 Thursday – Eternal Life with God

The covenant that the Lord makes with Abraham is beyond belief. Exceeding fertility will belong to Abraham, bringing him many descendants and the rule of many nations. But much more radical is the promise of Jesus: “Whoever keeps my words will never see death.” The Jews to whom he spoke recognised this. Even the covenant made with Abraham did not save him from death, nor the words of the prophets. This man Jesus seeks some false glory.
Jesus points essentially to his unity with the Father. He knows that of which others could only speak. Apart from the Father, he is not. He is profoundly one with the Father, and it is the Father who glorifies him and is glorified in him. It is his sonship, his perfectly shared love with the Father, that is present among them. He speaks the word that comes from that love and glory. Those who hear that word participate in that eternal love. From there they can never see death.
Jesus is not greater than that which was promised to Abraham, than that which was spoken by the prophets. Jesus is himself what was promised. Words cannot describe that promise, but in the presence of that spoken word, life is eternal.

The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.