New Godzdogz Team

New Godzdogz Team

At the beginning of a new Academic term, Godzdogz is proud to announce a new team! Blackfriars, Oxford welcomes two new members to the Studentate both of whom will contribute to our blog: Br. Christopher Wetzel from the Province of Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western Province of the US), and Br. Stefan Mangnus who joins us from the Dutch province.

Godzdogz also have a new “cabal” who undertake the administration of the blog so look out for some new series and features. This is an opportunity to thank our outgoing Convenor of the cabal, Br. Matthew Jarvis who has done so much to make the blog a success. We are pleased that he and Br. Oliver Keenan, now both Deacons – Deo Gratias, remain as valued contributors.

Look out for daily posts and spread the word! Let the blogging commence!

Fr Samuel Burke is assigned to the Priory of St Albert the Great in Edinburgh, and serves as a chaplain in the Royal Navy.