The Master of Students, Fr Vivian Boland, gave four talks to the students during the summer term of 2006 on the theme of spiritual warfare. These have now been published by the Catholic Truth Society in their Deeper Christianity Series . This is a series of pamphlets intended for recently baptised and received Catholics, adult education groups and others who wish to deepen their understanding of various aspects of the faith. The booklet (60 pages) is entitled ‘Spiritual Warfare: Fighting the Good Fight’ and is a survey of the theme of spiritual warfare in the Bible. It is in four parts considering the struggle with ourselves, with powers that are ‘not just flesh and blood’, and with God, and concluding with a reflection on how these aspects of Christian spiritual warfare are embraced and resolved in the work of Jesus Christ, our brother and victorious champion. Available direct from the Catholic Truth Society or from Catholic bookstores (ISBN 1 86082 421 8).