News from the Student Brothers
News | A new academic term means a new post series: find out more about the latest projects the student brothers have undertaken.
The last academic term of the year is well underway, and despite the extraordinary circumstances, the student brothers have been able make a successful start to their studies once again. Neither the lockdown, nor sporadic technical difficulties navigating lectures and tutorials online, have impeded the return of some degree of normality to Blackfriars.
This, of course, means also that we shall soon be launching a new series on Godzdogz: ‘Not just Theologians’, where each student will speak one-to-one with a senior friar from our community to discuss shared interests, lesser-known pursuits and peculiar pastimes exploring the Dominican love of the eccletic. Make sure not to miss it!
We shall continue offering you our reflections on a variety of topics, ranging from Scripture and Tradition to commentary on the current situation and maybe even more light-hearted matters!
Below you can see some photos from the past weeks, taken from our recent fundraising video:
The live streaming of daily Mass continues; here, a snapshot of the work we do behind the cameras.
Some brothers have taken to baking…
…while others try to keep fit amid the labours of everyday life.
The brothers are taking turns to attend to calls and deliveries at the Porter’s Lodge.
Disinfecting the common areas of the convent remains an important task…
…as well as keeping smart during lockdown!