Pentecost 2014 photos
Last week we celebrated Pentecost, which is of course the titular feast of the Priory of the Holy Spirit (Blackfriars), Oxford. In recent years we have begun to celebrate the Pentecost Vigil on the Saturday evening, which offers us a rich scriptural feast and some glorious music, too.
In his homily at the Vigil, the Deacon, Br Nicholas Crowe OP, drew out these connections between several Old Testament and New Testament narratives – including the way in which Pentecost resolves the linguistic chaos of Babel, not by abolishing the diversity of languages, but by uniting us in the Holy Spirit such that we are restored to a mutual understanding and love.
On Pentecost Sunday, the evening liturgy of Mass & Vespers was followed by the annual Doorkeepers’ Dinner. This is our opportunity to show our appreciation to the volunteers who give up a lot of time to keep the door during the day, taking deliveries and answering all kinds of queries! This dinner is just a small way in which we can say ‘thank you’ for their generous support and friendship.