The 2017-2018 Godzdogz Team and a New Series: Neglected Books of the Old Testament
The summer is now over, and the new academic year is just about to begin here at Blackfriars, Oxford. We have said goodbye to some student brothers, and we have welcomed new ones. Above is a photo of us all (Back from L to R: Brothers Isaac, Albert, Cuthbert and Andy, who is from the Western Province of the United States; Front from L to R: Brothers Joseph, Thomas, and Vincent-Antony).
Not only are we beginning a new year with a new team, but we are also beginning a new mini series, which will take us until Advent. It is entitled ‘The Neglected Books of the Old Testament”. Included will be the following: Judges, Ruth, Baruch, Obadiah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai. We hope that you will enjoy this series which aims to introduce you to these more unfamiliar books of the Old Testament.
Please pray for the studentate at Blackfriars and for each brother’s vocation, and especially for more vocations to the Order of Preachers.
See all posts of the Neglected Books of the Old Testament series:
- Baruch, by Br Cuthbert Hartley
- Habbakuk, by Br Albert Robertson
- Haggai, by Br Albert Robertson
- Judges, by Br Vincent Antony Löning
- Nahum, by Br Andy Opsahl
- Obadiah, by Br Joseph Bailham
- Ruth, by Br Thomas Thérèse Mannion
- Zephaniah, by Br Isaac Maria Wharton
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Looking forward to learning about the neglected books of the OT. Wishing the Godzdogz team all the best throughout this coming academic year. May the Lord bless you and grant you success in your studies.