The 2018-2019 Godzdogz Team
News | A new term is underway at Blackfriars and the student brothers have been joined by three new brothers.
A new term is underway at Blackfriars and the student brothers have been joined by three new brothers. Br Marc, Br Bede and Br Pablo join Br Vincent Antony, Br Thomas Therese, Br Albert, Br Cuthbert and Br Isaac Maria.
Over the next weeks, the student brothers will be bringing some thoughts on Fundamentals of Faith to help us prepare for the great Feast of Christ the King and the beginning of Advent.
In the meantime, please pray for us and for vocations to the Order.
Lord Jesus, moved by the urgent need of priests, religious and apostles, and following Thy recommendation to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to work for the salvation of souls, we implore Thee, through the intercession of Thy Most Holy Mother Mary, Virgin Immaculate and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and also through the intercession of Dominic the Holy Patriarch, to increase the number of Friars Preachers.
Pour forth into families, colleges and seminaries the precious grace of the apostolic vocation, and enkindle in young hearts the sacred fire of the love of God and of souls. Mayest Thou, Thyself, deign to prepare those whom Thou dost call, and incline them to desire and ask for that grace. Preserve them from sin and the many dangers of their age. Enlighten their minds, purify their hearts, strengthen their wills, aid them to cultivate constantly and diligently the divine seed planted in their souls, and guide them on the upward path of toil and purity that leads to the summit of truth.
And as thou, O Mary, Mother of Mercy, didst long ago present thy servant Dominic to Jesus so now offer thy sons to Him each day, and make them worthy of their sublime mission. Obtain for Thy Order faithful followers of its religious traditions, numerous apostles after the heart of their Blessed Father Dominic, holy and zealous for the salvation of souls. Amen.
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A Website Visitor
Always remember you in my prayers. Godzdogz is a wonderful apostolate- thank-you.
A Website Visitor
May the Lord grant you increased vocations and bless your endeavours, both spiritual and academic, this term. Prayers go with you.