The Epiphany 2012

Sometimes those who are questioning whether God exists ask why it is that, if God is truly as we Christians profess him to be – all loving and all powerful – he doesn’t make himself known more dramatically, so that we would all believe. Today’s feast provides something of an answer to that question: what more could God do, than come and dwell among us as man? As the true presence of God in Man, Christ is the unsurpassed and unsurpassable revelation of God, and yet God not only reveals himself in Christ, but he also sends the Holy Spirit, to lead us to faith, to provide for our recognition of Christ as the Word made flesh. So today’s feast might be seen as a celebration of the Holy Spirit, whose mission is conjoined with that of the Son. Whilst the Nativity of Our Lord, celebrated on the 25th December, is the ‘Big Christmas’, celebrating the birth of the incarnate Son and the revelation of the Father amongst us, today is the ‘Little Christmas’, celebrating the birth of Christ within us, through our personal recognition, by the Holy Spirit, of Jesus as the Saviour.