The Feast of Saint Dominic 24th May
It is appropriate here to remind ourselves of the role of the liturgy within the community, and brother Carlos underlines how the common celebration of the liturgy deserves as among the main “works” of our vocation (§ 88), and he exhorts the brothers never to let “business” become an excuse for abandoning the common liturgical life. To neglect this part of the community life is to sacrifice our deep need of intimacy with the Lord, as it will deprive us from the source that feeds us in our study and mission of preaching. The letter of the former Master of the Dominican Order describes the present situation of our religious life, and exhorts us to remain faithful to our life as it is described in our constitutions. At the same time, he pays attention to the younger generations among the brothers, referring to how the vast majority of younger brothers are attracted to the call to community life and how they express a desire of visibility and faithfulness to tradition (§ 12/87). The Dominican Order is in constant movement, just as the Church, being the Body of Christ, seeks to follow the will of her head, Jesus Christ. I would like to end this reflection with some words of brother Carlos Alphonsus Azpiroz Costa that reflect the dynamic of the Dominican life: