The Feast of the Holy Family
The Feast of the Holy Family is on the Sunday between Christmas and the Feast of Holy Mary, Mother of God (1st January). It is an important feast, not only because of the role it played in our redemption but also the fact that it is still the model of a Christian family, even today.

The Holy Family still inspires indeed. It went through many problems that have always been experienced by families: homelessness, poverty, doubt, confusion, persecution, exile, occupation of their land by a foreign army, heavy laws imposed by corrupted leaders, etc. The fact that it kept its dignity and became the ideal family for all Christians depended on the harmonious relationship and love between Joseph to Mary and Jesus.
Just as prayed Blessed John Paul II in 2002, ‘let us entrust to the Holy Family of Nazareth the families of the whole world, especially those that have been most harshly tried by suffering or are in difficulty’.