The Year of the Priest – Victim 0001
As September 11th came around again, we remembered the 2,993 men, women and children who died in the terrorist atrocities of 2001. The first recorded victim of the September 11th attacks was Fr Mychal F. Judge OFM. He was the Chaplain to the New York City Fire Department. On hearing that the Twin Towers had been attacked, he went directly to ground-zero. On his arrival he was greeted with a horrific scene that we can only imagine. His first concern was for the dying, who were lying in the streets. He administered the last rites, where he could, and proceeded to the emergency command post set up in the North Tower’s lobby. He offered prayer and aid to the emergency services, the injured and the dead. The Mayor of New York arrived and asked Father Judge to pray for the city. At 9:59am the South Tower collapsed, sending tons of debris crashing into the North Tower Lobby, killing many. Father Mychal was among the dead. His last-words were a prayer: “Jesus, please end this right now! God please end this!”
Father Judge understood his calling and duty as a priest. He tried to be a good shepherd. When his flock needed him he was there. He was a familiar face to both Catholics and non-Catholics in the NYFD, often working sixteen hour days and getting up
in the middle of the night to offer support to both the victims and the fighters of fire. He followed the Good Shepherd and was prepared to lay down his life for his sheep. The photo of his lifeless body being carried from the carnage, became an iconic image of this dark day, being dubbed American Pieta. His sense of duty and sacrifice, led to the moniker “the Saint of 9/11”, being attributed the Franciscan friar. His helmet was presented to Pope John Paul II and he has received many posthumous awards but what is truly amazing is the example he gave of priestly service. As he prophetically preached, the day before his death, in his last homily:
“You do what God has called you to do.
You get on that rig,
you go out and do the job.
No matter how big the call,
no matter how small,
you have no idea of what
God is calling you to do.”
Mychal F. Judge OFM (1933-2001)
Eternal rest grant unto him and all the fallen of September 11th, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.